Friday, October 29, 2010

Growing Lizards

Quirky Boy has just returned from his friends' - The Kooky Twins' house - they had a fabulous time making up a dance for the Talent Quest at school this week. We called in at the shops on the way home for super glue to mend my shoes (don't ask) and Quirky Boy decided to spend that little bit more of his birthday money on a lizard which hatches from its egg and magically grows when placed in water. He and Mr Chop are now not-so-patiently waiting for the ugly thing to grow - yes, watching it! Now I can't stop watching them because I am petrified Mr Chop is going to grab the thing and swallow it, then it will make his stomach 10x the size it is now as the lizard grows! Yes, high drama here!

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